Category: C Program

Posted in Recursion

Tower of Hanoi using Recursion – C Program

C Program – write a c program of Tower of Hanoi using Recursion. The tower of hanoi says if you can solve n-1 cases then you can easily solve n th cases.

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Posted in For loop

calculate compound interest – C Program

C Program – Write a C Program for calculate compound interest of given amount. Compound interest is interest of basic amount + interest.

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Posted in Basic

Calculate Simple Interest – C Program

C Program – Write a C Program for calculate simple interest. Calculate simple interest to inputted amount for given number of year with interest rate.

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Posted in Basic

sum of two integer number – C Program

C Program – write a c program for sum of two given integer number. In this c Program we do simple summation of two integer number.

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Posted in For loop

check the number is prime or not – C Program

prime or not in C Program – write a c program to check the given number is prime or not. The prime number is divisible only by itself.

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Posted in For loop

Print prime number – C Program

Prime number C program – Write a c program to display prime numbers up to inputted number. prime number series started like 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19……

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Posted in Array Programs

Find smallest value of an array – C program

C Program – Find the smallest value of a given array in C program. get the minimum element from an array in c programming language.

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Posted in Array Programs

Find largest value of an array – C program

C Program – Find the largest value of a given array in C program. get the maximum element from an array in c programming language.

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Posted in For loop

Fibonacci series program using for loop in C Language

write a Fibonacci series program using for loop in C Language. Understand Fibonacci series program in c language with output.

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Posted in Recursion

Fibonacci sequence series program using recursion in C Language

Write a Fibonacci sequence series program using recursion in C Language. Fibonacci series program in c language.

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