UPDATE Statement in SQL – DML Statements

Now in this SQL Post we will learn Data Manipulation Language (DML) UPDATE Statement.

UPDATE Statement in SQL – DML Statements

The UPDATE Statement – The UPDATE Statement is used to modify the records of existing table.

If we want to modify the rows data in a table we need to use UPDATE query in SQL.

The SQL UPDATE Statement Syntax :

UPDATE table_name SET  col1=val1, col2=val2, col3=val3 WHERE Condition

table_name – is the name of table  which has to be updated.
col1, col2 – is the anme of columns which records has to be updated.
val1, val2 – is the values of new records which has be updated in to table.

SQL UPDATE Statement Example :

The SQL Student Table :

ID Name City Email Mobile
1 MEERA Surat meera@meeraacademy.com 1020304050
2 Vaidehi Mumbai Vaidehi@yahoo.com 1122334455

Example – Update the email address in table Student whose id=2, the UPDATE query is :

UPDATE Student SET email=”ram@meeraacademy.com” WHERE ID=2;

The Student Table After Updated.

ID Name City Email Mobile
1 MEERA Surat meera@meeraacademy.com 1020304050
2 Vaidehi Mumbai ram@meeraacademy.com 1122334455

If we write above UPDATE Statement like below :

UPDATE Student SET City=”Pune”, Mobile=1111111111;

The Student Table After Updated.

ID Name City Email Mobile
1 MEERA Pune meera@meeraacademy.com 1111111111
2 Vaidehi Pune ram@meeraacademy.com 1111111111

Note : In UPDATE Statement, If we do not use WHERE Condition, then all records of columns to be updated in a table.


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