php comparison operators

PHP Comparison Operators

PHP comparison operators are used compare one variable value with another. Values may be string or number.

The PHP basic comparison operators

==     Equal $a==$b
===   Equal Identical $a===$b
!=      Not Equal $a!=$b
!==    Not Equal Identical $a!==$b
>       Greater than $a>$b
<       Less than $a<$b
>=     Greater than or equal to $a>=$b
<=     Less than or equal to $a<=$b

== Equal comparison operator example

In below example return true if $a is equal to $b.


$a =5;
$b =5;

echo “Equal”;
echo “Not Equal”


The output is:

In above php example $a and $b both valribles value are same, then if condition return true and print “Equal” in output.

=== Equal Identical comparison operator example

In below example return true if $a is equal to $b and must be same data type.


$a =5;
$b =5.0;

echo “Equal”;
echo “Not Equal”;


The output is:
Not Equal

In above php example $a and $b both variables value are same, but different data type so if condition not satisfied the answer is “Not Equal”.

!= Not Equal comparison operator example

In below example return true if $a is not equal to $b.


$a =5;
$b =2;

if($a !=$b)
echo “Equal”;
echo “Not Equal”;


The output is:

In above php example $a and $b both variables value are not same, then if condition return true and print “Equal” in output.

!== Not Equal Identical comparison operator example

In below example return true if $a is not equal to $b and must be same type.


$a =5;
$b =2.5;

echo “Equal”;
echo “Not Equal”


The output is:

> Greater than and >= Greater than or Equal to example

In below php example return true if $a is greater than to $b.


$a =5;
$b =2;

echo “a is bigger than b”;
else if($a>=$b)
echo “a is equal to b”;
echo “a is smaller than b”;


The output is:
a is bigger than b

In above php example the result is “a is bigger than b” because $a value bigger than $b value.
$a=5 and $b=2 here $a value is grater than $b value.

The first if condition returns true if only $a is greater than $b.
If $a=5 and $b=5, then the second if condition will be true and result is “a is equal to b”.

< Less than and <= Less than or Equal to example

In below example return true if $a is less than to $b.


$a =5;
$b =2;

echo “a is smaller than b”;
else if($a<=$b)
echo “a is equal to b”;
echo “a is bigger than b”;


The output is:
a is bigger than b

Here, $a=5 and $b=2, so $a is not smaller and not equal to $b. The both if condition not satisfy then result will be else condition “a is bigger than b”.

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