ASP.Net Database Connection using LINQ
LINQ in ASP.Net – Language-Integrated Query
LINQ is a microsoft language-integrated Query tool used in connectivity with database server. The LINQ is available in version .Net Framework 3.5 or higher version.
we can use LINQ in visual studio 2008 or higher version of vs2008.
LINQ is a managed language that use query and table as an object. LINQ provide drag and drop system to use sql table and stored procedures to use in web application.
In this article we will learn LINQ with an example to integrate LINQ to SQL database (dbml classes) in ASP.Net using C# language.
We learn in this tutorial create dbml classes, connecting to sql server database, bind Table and Stored Procedures.
Here, In this connectivity example we will learn with sql server connection using LINQ method. In this connectivity example we will use Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server Management Studio 2008.
ASP.Net LINQ Example Video tutorial
The step for connection ASP.Net and SQL Server Database.
Step 1 – Open Visual Studio 2010 Create web application
Step 2 – Open SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Create new database
Step 3 – Create new Table and Stored Procedure in Database
Step 4 – Add LINQ to SQL Classes (DataClasses.dbml) in App_Code folder.
Step 5 – Open Server Explorer and Connect Database
Step 6 – Drag and drop Sql Table and Stored Procedures to DataClasses.dbml
Step 7 – Declare DataClassesDataContext for connectivity
Step 1 – Open Visual Studio 2010 Create web application
Create New web application in visual studio 2010 and design a web form with three Textbox Control, one Button control and a GridView control for display data.
Here, we first Insert Data to SQL-Server and then retrieve data and display data in to GridView control using LINQ.
The web page LINQ example design layout is:
Step 2 – Open SQL Server Management Studio 2008 Create new database
In our previous sql tutorials we have already learned to CREATE DATABASE in sql server management studio 2008.
In this ASP.Net LINQ example we have created new database in sql server 2008 with table and stored procedure.
Database Name = MyExample
Step 3 – Create new Table and Stored Procedure in Database
After creating database create table and create stored procedure for insert data and select data.
learn about CREATE STORED PROCEDURE in sql server management studio 2008.
Database Name = MyExample
Table Name = UserMst
Select Stored Procedure = USERMST_SELECT
Insert Stored Procedure = USERMST_INSERT
The sql USERMST_SELECT stored procedure :
The sql USERMST_INSERT stored procedure :
Step 4 – Add LINQ to SQL Classes (DataClasses.dbml) in App_Code folder.
Now, After design web form Right Click on Solution Explorer —> Add New Item —> LINQ to SQL Classes
Add LINQ to SQL Classes with name DataClasses1.dbml in to App_Code folder in Solution Explorer.
Step 5 – Open Server Explorer and Connect Database
Now, Open Server Explorer for SQL-Database connection.
Here, we have Database named MyExample and two stored procedure for Insert data and Select data.
Data Connection —> Add Connection select Microsoft SQL Server.
Select database server name from below screen. we have use here SQL Server, Select Microsoft SQL Server from below screen.
Write sql server name and select database for connection. In this example write “.\SQLExpress” in server name option and select database “MyExample” in database select option.
After successfully connect sql server we have below screen shows sql table and stored procedure which is already created in sq l server management studio 2008.
The SQL Table = UserMst
Select Stored Procedure = USERMST_SELECT
Insert Stored Procedure = USERMST_INSERT
Step 6 – Drag and drop Sql Table and Stored Procedures to DataClasses.dbml
After doing this Open the LINQ to SQL Classes DataClasses.dbml then Drag and Drop SQL Table and SQL strode procedure in it like shows below screen.
Step 7 – Declare DataClassesDataContext for connectitivty
Now, write the C# server side code for Insert data to sql server and then Select data from SQL Server.
write below code on Button Click event at code behind page:
DataClassesDataContext ctx = new DataClassesDataContext();
ctx.USERMST_INSERT(txtname.Text, txtcity.Text, txtemail.Text);GridView1.DataSource = ctx.USERMST_SELECT();
The output of ASP.Net LINQ Connection Example.
I hope this LINQ connectivity with ASP.Net and SQL Server will help you..
Nice n Easy to understand !!