check the number is prime or not – C Program

Prime or Not – C Program

Write a c program for check the inputted number is prime or not.

The prime number is divisible only by itself, and the rest of all numbers are composite.

Here is the c program for check the given number is prime or not using for loop.

void main()
   int n, a = 2;
   printf("Enter the number for check prime or not : \n");
   for (a = 2 ; a <= n - 1 ; a++)
      if (n%a == 0)
         printf("The number %d is not prime.\n", n);
   if (a == n)
       printf("The number %d is prime.\n", n);

The out put of check prime number c program is :

Enter the number for check prime or not :
The number 100 is not prime.


Enter the number for check prime or not :
The number 11 is prime.


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