Tower of Hanoi using Recursion – C Program

Tower of Hanoi C Program

write a c program for solve tower of hanoi using recursion.

The basic idea behind the tower of hanoi is if you can solve n-1 cases then you can easily solve the n th cases.

Tower of hanoi is one of the application of stack data structure.

below is c program code to understand tower of hanoi example.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

void toh(int, char, char, char);
void main()
   int n;
   printf("Enter the number of disk : ");
   scanf("%d", &n);

   printf("Here is sequence of moves of tower of hanoi  :\n");

   toh(n, 'A', 'C', 'B');

void toh(int no, char source, char destination, char spare)
   if (no == 1)
         printf("\n move disk 1 from source %c to destination %c", source, destination);


     toh(no - 1, source, spare, destination);

     printf("\n move disk %d from source %c to destination %c", no, source, destination);

     toh(no - 1, spare, destination, source);


The out put of tower of hanoi c program is :

Enter the number of disk : 3
Below are sequence of moves of tower of hanoi :
move disk 1 from source A to destination C
move disk 2 from source A to destination B
move disk 1 from source C to destination B
move disk 3 from source A to destination C
move disk 1 from source B to destination A
move disk 2 from source B to destination C
move disk 1 from source A to destination C


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