Database design for job portal project

Database design for job portal project

In this job portal project we use sql server for database, we create some tables in database for online job portal system.

AdminMst Table : This table used to store admin login information.

database design
AdminMst table for job portal project

StudetnMst : This table store the job seeker personal and address detail.

job portal
StudentMst table for job portal project

EducationMst : This table store the education information of job seeker.

EducatonMst table for job portal project
EducatonMst table for job portal project

CompanyMst : This table store the personal information about company.

job portal project
CompanyMst table for job portal project


PostJobMst : This sql table store the posted job detail of  company.

job portal
CompanyMst table for job portal project

ApplyJobMst : This table store information about which student apply in which company job.

job portal website
CompanyMst table for job portal project

InboxMst : This sql table used to store student and company messages.

job portal
InboxMst table for job portal project

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