In this article we will learn how to use cookies in with c# language.
Here, we understand to use cookies by tacking an example.
First we create a cookies and stored it and then retrieve the cookies in web application.
What is cookies ?
– Cookies is a small pieces of information, which is stored on user local browser. it may contain username, password or any information. Cookies stored at user computer “C”\Document and Setting\Current login_User\Cookie”.
Here, we can use Response object to create a cookies.
First, Design web form like :
Here, we have two button control one for Create Cookies and one for Retrieve Cookies.
Write below code for Create Cookies in Button Click events.
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Response.Cookies[“MeeraAcademy”].Value = TextBox1.Text;
Response.Cookies[“MeeraAcademy”].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);
In above code we use Response.Cookies object for create Cookies.
We store cookies values by using value property, and use Expires property for Expires Cookies.
In above example we have set 1 (one) Minute time for Expire Cookies, we can retrieve cookies values up to one minute, after one minute cookies values automatically expires.
write below code in Retrieve Button Click events.
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Request.Cookies[“MeeraAcademy”] == null)
TextBox2.Text = “No cookie found”;
TextBox2.Text = Request.Cookies[“MeeraAcademy”].Value;
For Retrieve cookies we use here Request.Cookies object in
Below figure shows the out put of expires cookies.
I hope this cookies example will help you…..