STRNCPY() Function – C Program
Write a C Program to Copy string to another string using STRNCPY string function.
STRNCPY() Function – The STRNCPY() function used to copy some portion of contains second string into first string.
The Syntax of STRNCPY() Function :
strncpy (str1, str2, 5) – It copies first 5 character of str2 into str1.
strncpy(str2, str1, 3) – It copies first 3 character of str1 into str2.
Example of STRNCPY() Function C Program
int main()
char str1[100], str2[100];
printf("Please enter the first string = ");
printf("\nPlease enter the second string = ");
strncpy(str1,str2, 6);
printf("\nThe str1 after copy = %s", str1);
return 0;
The output of STRNCPY() Function C Program is :
Please enter the first string =
Please enter the second string = Academy
The str1 after copy = Academ