C# Button Control
In this c#.net tutorials we will learn how to use Button control in windows forms application.
The Button control is widely used to preform click event on windows form. Mostly we use button control for preform actions such as login, search, cancel, save and more. we can display a simple push button on windows forms by adding button control from toolbox. We will see more about button click events and properties of button in this c# tutorial.
Let’s understand about button control with an example in visual studio.
Button Control Example
Step 1 – Open Visual Studio –> Create a new Windows Forms Application.
Step 2 – Drag and drop Button control on windows form from Toolbox.
Step 3 –Set Text and ID properties of Button control.
Step 4 –For write serer side code (C#), go to Button control Click event.
below list shows properties of Button control.
Properties | Description |
ID | Identification name of button control. |
Text | It is used to display text in a control. |
BackColor | It is used to set background color of button control. |
ForColor | It is used to set text color of the control. |
Image | Set image path to display image on the control. |
TabIndex | It is used manage tab order of control. |
Anchor | It is describes an anchor position for the control when the form is resized. |
Enable | true/false – used to enable or disable control. |
Visible | true/false – It is used to hide or visible control on web page. |
Button control Events
There are many events of button control in c#, but we will understand about most important events in this post.
below list shows important events of Button control.
Events | Description |
Click | Button Click event occurs when the button control is clicked. |
MouseClick | Event occurs when the button is clicked by the mouse. |
MouseDown | Event occurs when the mouse button is pressed over the button. |
MouseEnter | Event occurs when the mouse comes in the visible part of the button. |
MouseHover | Event occurs when the mouse comes over the button control. |
MouseLeave | Event occurs when the mouse leaves the visible part of the button control. |
Button Click Event Example
Here we will take an example to understand button click event. The button click event is most used event of button control. For write server side code on button just double click on button control is the design view to create click event.
Button click event method will look like below code.
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// write server code here
We will learn rest of all button event in detail in later in c#.net post. Button Control Events
We hope that this c#.net tutorial helped you to understand about button control and it’s properties and events.