Start with C# Windows Forms Application

C# Windows Forms Application

In this tutorial will learn how to create windows-based application in visual studio 2012 with c# language.
We will learn step by step about C# windows Forms application.

We use vs2012 for creating windows application project. In our previous post we have already learnt about creating web application using visual studio 2010. In .net we can develop windows form application using c# or vb or c++ language same as we can develop Website application using c#, vb, c++.

Lets start with visual studio 2012 to create new windows application project.

For Create Windows Form application

open visual studio 2012 –> File Menu –> New –> Project

Start to create a new C# Windows Forms Application Project

Open visual Studio 2012 and select New –> Project option from File Menu as shows in below figure.
Create C# Windows Forms Application.

When we create a new windows forms application in visual studio, at that time we have language selection option which we wish to use in our windows application as server side programming language.

Here, we have selected c# language for our windows application as shows in below figure. As figure shows select Windows Forms Application option and at the bottom of figure there is Location portion for assign the path to store windows application. In Name portion, we write windows application project name.

Language –> Visual C#
File Menu –> New –> Project –> Windows Forms Application
Create C# Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2012.

Here, in above figure the location “D:\PROJECT\” is our windows application project location folder path where we store/save our project and the “MyFirstProject” is the windows application name which we created. After making this things click on OK button to create a new blank Windows Forms Application.

Here, we successfully created Windows forms Application with a windows form Form1. In below figure shows Solution Explorer which displays whole project details include Windows Forms, Settings files, Class files and Folders.
Create C# Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2012.

Here, windows application project forms known as Windows Form, and in web application it known as Web Form.

Below figure display the code behind page of windows forms where it allow programmer to write c# programming coding. We can see the Form1_Load method in below figure, the Form1_Load method is called each time when our page is loaded.
Create C# Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2012.

We hope that this post helped you to understand about how to create windows application.

Next, c# windows application tutorial we will understand about how to set .net framework.


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