Category: PHP Tutorials

Learn PHP for website development.

PHP Cookies

PHP Cookies Cookies are small text file stored on client computer, used to identify a user. Cookies store a user information like username and password…

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PHP Sessions

PHP Sessions Session is used to store values across multiple pages of an entire website. If we want to store some value that will be…

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PHP ucfirst() string function

The PHP ucfirst() string function The ucfirst() string function used to converts in uppercase the first letter of a string.

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PHP ucwords() string function

PHP ucword() string function The PHP ucword() string function is used to converts uppercase the first letter of each word of a string.

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PHP strtoupper() string function

PHP strtoupper() string function The PHP strtoupper() string function is used to converts string into a uppercase letters.

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PHP strtolower() string function

PHP strtolower() string function The PHP strtolower() string function is used to converts string into a lowercase letters.  

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PHP trim() string function

PHP trim() function The php trim() string function is used to remove whitespace and predefined character from both side of a given string.  

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PHP strcmp() string function

PHP strcmp() function The PHP strcmp() string function used to compare two strings. If both string are same then returns zero(0), if does not same…

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PHP empty() string function

PHP empty() function The PHP empty() function used to check whether the string is empty or not. In PHP the empty() function return true if…

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PHP str_repeat() string function

The str_repeat() function in PHP The str_repeat() function used to repeat a word for specified number of times. str_repeat() function syntax str_repeat(“repeat string”, number of…

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PHP str_replace() string function

The str_replace() function in PHP The str_replace() function used to replace one string with some another string. str_replace() function syntax str_replace(“search for”, “replace”, “original string”);…

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PHP strpos() string function

The strpos() function in PHP The strpos() function used to searches the specific text in given string, if found then return start position of matches…

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