The str_repeat() function in PHP
The str_repeat() function used to repeat a word for specified number of times.
str_repeat() function syntax
str_repeat(“repeat string”, number of time”);
PHP str_repeat() function example
echo "The string repeat = ".str_repeat( "Meera", 4 );
The output is:
The string repeat = MeeraMeeraMeeraMeera
PHP str_repeat string function example
<title>PHP str_repeat() Function</title>
<FORM method="POST" action="firstexample.php">
Name : <input type="text" name="name"> <br/>
Repeat :<input type="text" name="no"><br/>
<input type="submit" name="Submit1" value="String Repeat">
echo "The string repeat = ".str_repeat( $_POST["name"], $_POST["no"] );
The output screen of php string function example :

In above str_repeat function php example we have two textboxes first for input text value and other for integer value to repeat how many times repeated the text.
Awesome post.