AdRotator Control in ASP.Net

ASP.Net AdRotator Control

The AdRotator is one of the rich web server control of AdRotator control is used to display a sequence of advertisement images as per given priority of image.

Adrotator control displays the sequence of images, which is specified in the external XML file. In a xml file we indicate the images to display with some other attributes, like  image impressions, NavigateUrl, ImageUrl, AlternateText.

In a Adrotator control images will be changed each time while refreshing the web page.

AdRotator Control Syntax :

<asp:AdRotator ID=AdRotator1 runat=server />

AdRotator Control Example in ASP.Net

Follow below step to create Adrotator control in web application.

Step 1 – Open Visual Studio –> Create a new empty web application / website.

Step 2 – Create New web page for display AdRotator control.

step 3 – Drag and drop AdRotator Control on web page from toolbox.

step 4 – Right click on Solution Explorer –> Add New Item –> Add New XML File in project for write advertisement detail.

step 5 – Write code in xml file for advertisement.

step 6 – Assign XML File to AdvertisementFile Property of AdRotator control.

Now, let’s understand the adrotator control with an example.

Video Tutorial

Adrotator Control in ASP.Net C#

Create web application and take an adrotator control on web forms like below:

How to use Adrotator control in C#.
How to use Adrotator control in C#.

Now, Add new XML file to project.

Right click on Solution Explorer –> Add New Item –> XML file –> Add.

How to use Adrotator control in C#.
How to use Adrotator control in C#.

Select XML file, assign any name for xml file and click Add button to add new xml file in webiste.

How to use Adrotator control in C#.
How to use Adrotator control in C#.

The XML file contains list of advertisement information.

Properties Description
ImageUrl It is describe the path of image which will be displayed in adrotator control.
NavigateUrl Describe the navigation webpage link when user click on ad Image.
AlternateText The text will be displayed when image can not be displayed.
Impressions Describe the display rate of image or priority of image
Keyword It is a category of Ad.

Advertisement XML File for Adrotator Control

Write below code in xml file for advertisement.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <AlternateText>Meera Academy</AlternateText>

    <AlternateText>Meerta Aademy</AlternateText>
    <AlternateText>Meerta Aademy</AlternateText>

Now, assign the XML file to adrotator control at AdvertisementFile property of adrotator control.

How to use Adrotator control in C#.
How to use Adrotator control in C#.


How to use Adrotator control in C#.
How to use Adrotator control in C#.


The output  of Adrotator control example in c#.

In above Adrotator control example we assign three images in Advertisement xml file. We can see in below figure each time ad image will be changed when we refresh the webpage.
AdRotator Control in ASP.Net C# Example

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Society Management System ASP.Net Project

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We hope that this post helped you to understand Adrotator server side control.

Next, We will learn about ASP.Net Button Control.

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