Button Control in ASP.Net.

ASP.Net Button Control

In this asp.net tutorials we will learn how to use Button control in ASP.Net.

The Button is an asp.net web server control. The Button control is used to display a simple  push button on web page. we can display a  simple push button on a web page by adding button control on asp.net web page.

There are three type of button control in asp.net.

  1. Simple Push Button – Simple Push  Button displays text on a button control.
  2. Link Button – Link button displays text that looks like a link or hyperlink.
  3. Image Button – Image Button displays an image on a button control.

Button Control Syntax :

The Simple Push Button code is like:

<asp:Button ID=Button1 runat=server Text=Button />

The LinkButton code is like:

<asp:LinkButton ID=LinkButton1 runat=server>LinkButton</asp:LinkButton>

The ImageButton code is like:

<asp:ImageButton ID=ImageButton1 runat=server />

All these three buttons has main two events one is Click and other is Command events. Click event is default event with all buttons. All buttons have click event for write server side code (c#,  vb) in asp.net.

Learn more about for ImageButton Control and LinkButton Control in ASP.Net.

Here, we will understand all three button control with an asp.net example.

Button Control Example in ASP.Net.

Step 1 – Open the Visual Studio –> Create a new empty Web application.

Step 2 – Create a New web page for display button on it.

Step 3 – Drag and drop Button control on web page from Toolbox.

Step 4 – Set Text and ID property of Button Control

Step 5 – For Redirect other page set PostBackUrl Property to destination web page name.

Step 6 – For write serer side code (C#), go to button control Click event.

All server side control has its own properties and events. below list shows properties of Button control .

Properties Description
ID Identification name of button control.
Text It is used to display text in a control.
BackColor It is used to set background color of button control.
ForColor It is used to set text color of the control.
ToolTip It displays a text on control when mouse over on it.
TabIndex It is used manage tab order of control.
CssClass It is used to apply style on control.
Enable true/false – used to enable or disable control.
Enable Theming true/false – It is used to enable or disable effect of theme on control.
CausesValidation true/false – It is used to enable or disable validation effect on control
Visible true/false – It is used to hide or visible control on web page.
Important Properties of Button control
CommandArgument A string value passed to code behind when button Command event is fired.
CommandName A string value passed to code behind when button Command event is fired.
OnClientClick The JavaScript function name or any client side script code function name.
PostBackUrl The URL Path of the page to redirect, when button is clicked.
For Image Button
ImageUrl Set image path to display image on image button control.
AlternateText Alternate text will be displayed when image cannot be displayed on web page.

Example of button Control in ASP.Net :

ASP.Net Button Control
ASP.Net Button Control
ASP.Net Button Control Example
ASP.Net Button Control Example
ASP.Net Button Control Example
ASP.Net Button Control Example

Button Control Events

Events Description
Click Button Click event occurs when the button control is clicked.
The Click eventHandler is performed first, then commandHandler.
Command Button Command event occurs when the button control is clicked.
ASP.Net Button Control Example
ASP.Net Button Control Example

Design asp.net web form with Button Control and Label Control look like below screen. write below code in button click event for display message on label control in asp.net

protected void btnlogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Label1.Text = "welcome";
ASP.Net Button Control Example
ASP.Net Button Control Example

Button Click events vs Button Command events

In any .net application we write server side code at code behind page. for run server side code we use click or command event. Both Button Click and Command event are same. Only difference is that in command we can pass parameter using command name and command argument. For example, we have two button control, both call the same command event, we can recognize which button is clicked by accessing their command name, as we assign different command name for both button.

Let’s, understand Button command event with an example.

Here, we have two button control button1 and button2 on web form. Set same command event for both button, means both button access same server side code. In this situation we have not find which button is clicked.

For run separate code for both button with same command event, we set different command name to both button control.

Here, we set same command event for both button1 and button2 but we assign different command name for identify which button is clicked. we can also pass text value with CommandArgument of button control.

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server"  CommandArgument="Button 1 is clicked" CommandName="B1" OnCommand="Button1_Command" Text="Button 1" />
<asp:Button ID="Button2" runat="server" CommandArgument="Button 2 is clicked" CommandName="B2"  OnCommand="Button1_Command" Text="Button 2" />
Button Control Command Event in C# .Net


Text=”Button 1″
CommandArgument=”Button 1 is clicked”


Text=”Button 2″
CommandArgument=”Button 2 is clicked”

C# code for above example

protected void Button1_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)
        if (e.CommandName == "B1")
            Label1.Text = Button1.CommandArgument;
        else if (e.CommandName == "B2")
            Label1.Text = Button2.CommandArgument;        

Above c# code, we check which button is fired using CommandName and pass text value with CommandArgument. Above example when button1 is clicked the label displays message “Button 1 is clicked” and display “Button 2 is clicked” when button2 is clicked.

Learn ASP.Net C# Website Projects

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We hope that this asp.net post helped you to understand Button server side control.

Next, We will learn about ASP.Net CheckBox Control.

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