Online Campus Selection System ASP.Net Project

Online Campus Selection System Final Year Project in ASP.Net

Online Campus Selection System

The Online Campus Selection system is a web based application developed in ASP.Net with C# language as front end and as back end we use SQL Server Management Studio 2008 for database.


Project Title : Online Campus Selection System
Project Concept : The system developed for job seeker and recruiter, The system provide intermediate place for job seeker and company. .
Type of Project : Web Site / Web Application
Technology : ASP.Net C# Language as Front End
Database : SQL-Server 2008 as Back End Database Server

What is Campus Selection System?

The Online Campus Selection System developed for HR Department with including automate the functioning of HR Department. This system is helpful for HR Department to make easy student selection process. We  can say this system similar to Human Resource Management System.

The online campus selection software work at college or university. The College invited to recruiter/company for register in this system and help to get employee easily as per their qualification and requirements. Other hand college has all the student data submitted in this system so student can get easily job. The system is a mutual place for student and company. The online campus selection system helps student to get job and company to get employee.

We can use Campus Selection system for University and any Companies. It is developed for smooth working of HR Department.  Universities and companies can get benefited through this system. This Software is fully integrated with Student and Company Relationship Management and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time and cost saving that shows relieving one from manual works. Online Campus Selection provides automated technical screening, intellectual evaluation, electronic mail integration to conduct recruitment. This feature’s helps in many ways like saving cost, time and paper work, this shows the paperless environment, unlimited Custom and reports.

We have developed campus selection system in ASP.Net with C# language.We use SQL-Server 2008 Database server.

Let’s discuss some more about campus selection system like  goal, objective and advantage, disadvantages of system.

PURPOSE  of Campus Selection System


Maintain individual Student record.
Maintain Section wise Student details.
Evaluating Student performance.
Generating random ID for each student which is unique.
Making only eligible Students to take the test.
Allow online registrations for the On-Line Selection Test.
Allow online requests and support for the examination.
Providing proper Technical Assistance to the User.
Providing On-Line Help


Development of rich web based Campus Selection System for Universities and any Companies. Online Campus Selection System is developed for smooth working of Human Resource Departments. Universities and companies can get benefited through this system. This Software is fully integrated with Student and Company Relationship Management and developed in a manner that is easily manageable, time and cost saving that shows relieving one from manual works. Online Campus Selection provides automated technical screening, intellectual evaluation, electronic mail integration to conduct recruitment. This feature’s helps in many ways like saving cost, time and paper work, this shows the paperless environment, unlimited Custom and reports.


This system automates the Selection process activities that the HR Department has to perform prior to and after the actual act of selecting the students. This system helps in various ways such as saving time and cost of selecting Students and companies. That set of concepts is used to build a system for easily Communication between students and companies and company can get required eligible students.

Diagram of Campus Selection system:

Use Case Diagram :

Use Case Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.
Use Case Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.

Class Diagram for Campus Selection System:

Class Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.
Class Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.

E-R Diagram of Campus Selection System :

E-R Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.
E-R Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.

Campus Selection System Procedural Design.

Procedural Design Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.
Procedural Design Diagram for Online Campus Selection System.

Here are list of Screen Shorts of Campus Selection System project.

HOME  Page :
This is the main page or home page of our .net project. The home page include student or jobseeker login section and company login section. There are main five link on home page are company registration, student registration, college info, about us and contact us page. Search facility available at on home page.

Campus Selection System
Home Page – Campus Selection System ASP.Net Final Year Project

Home Page : Here we can see that the validation error display error message while login.

Campus Selection System
Home Page – Campus Selection System ASP.Net Final Year Project

Student Registration : The below screen shows the registration form of new student or jobseeker. After register student get username and password for login in to system. Here, we can see the  proper validation error message on student registration form.

Campus Selection System
Student Registration – Campus Selection System

Student Registration : Below screen we have taken an example to check how  to fill up the student registration form. In this form fill up personal detail and generate username and password and go to the next step for filling student education detail.

Student Registration - Campus Selection System
Student Registration – Campus Selection System

Student Registration : After fill up personal detail  we must have to fill up our education detail and upload your short resume for express more detail about you.

Student Registration - Campus Selection System
Student Education Detail Registration – Campus Selection System

Forgot Password : If you forgot your password, we have facility to retrieve your password easily from forgot password form. Fill up your right email address and mobile number, if both true then you will receive your password in your email address.

Campus Selection System
Student Forgot Password – Campus Selection System

Company Registration : The company work as employer or recruiter in campus selection system. If we want to hire some student or employee for our organization then we have to register  as company in this system. Just full up the personal and address detail and generate username and password for login.

Company Registration - Campus Selection System
Company Registration – Campus Selection System

Company Registration : Here we can see the demo of how to  fill up company detail in company registration form.

Company Registration - Campus Selection System
Company Registration – Campus Selection System

Company Forgot Password : If any recruiter forgot their password then they can easily retrieve their password by using forgot password facility of our system.

Company Forgot Password - Campus Selection System
Company Forgot Password – Campus Selection System

Search Page : Here, we provide search facility for student and company. Below screen display the result of search company. We can provide search by category wise, qualification wise and skill wise.

Company Search - Campus Selection System ASP.Net Project
Company Search – Campus Selection System ASP.Net Project

Search Student : Below screen display the result of student search.

Student Search - Campus Selection System ASP.Net Project
Student Search – Campus Selection System ASP.Net Project

Student Login Area : Student or jobseeker can login in  to system from student login area.

Student Login Form - Campus Selection System
Student Login Form – Campus Selection System

Student login Home page : After login, this is the first page of student login. Below screen shows the job alert for student. All the company displayed in job alert whose profile match with student education detail.

Student Home page - Campus Selection System
Student Home page – Campus Selection System

Student Profile Page : Profile page displays  the basic profile detail and we can edit this detail by going to edit profile option.

Student Profile page - Campus Selection System
Student Profile page – Campus Selection System

Edit Profile Detail : Below screen shows the edit student profile detail.

Student Edit Profile Page - Campus Selection System
Student Edit Profile Page – Campus Selection System

Student Education Detail : Education page displays the basic Education detail of student and we can edit education detail by going to edit education option.

Student Education Detail Page - Campus Selection System
Student Education Detail Page – Campus Selection System

Change  Password : Student can change his password by using change password facility.

StudentChage Password Page - Campus Selection System
Student Change Password Page – Campus Selection System

Student Message Page : Message Page display the message received from company. Student can reply the message by reply option show in below.

Student Message Box Page - Campus Selection System
Student Message Box Page – Campus Selection System

:: Message Reply Form ::

Student Message Reply Page - Campus Selection System
Student Message Reply Page – Campus Selection System

:: Company Login Home Page ::

Company Login Home Page - Campus Selection System
Company Login Home Page – Campus Selection System

:: Company Change Password Form ::

Company Change Password Form - Campus Selection System
Company Change Password Form – Campus Selection System

Post Job Page : Company or recruiter can post job as per their requirements. below form shows the add job detail of company.

Company Add New Job Form - Campus Selection System
Company Add New Job Form – Campus Selection System

:: Post Job Page ::

Company Add New Job Form - Campus Selection System
Company Add New Job Form – Campus Selection System

:: View Posted Job Form ::

Company View Posted Job Form - Campus Selection System
Company View Posted Job Form – Campus Selection System

:: Add Exam Page ::

Company Add Exam Paper Form - Campus Selection System
Company Add Exam Paper Form – Campus Selection System

:: Add Question Form ::

Company Add Questions Form - Campus Selection System
Company Add Questions Form – Campus Selection System

Company Message Form : Display the message received from students.

Company Message Box Form - Campus Selection System
Company Message Box Form – Campus Selection System

Admin Login Page : Admin can login with username and password. Admin have all rights  to handle the campus selection system.

Admin Login Form - Campus Selection System
Admin Login Form – Campus Selection System

Search Page : After login admin can view registered company list and registered student list.

Admin Login Home Form - Campus Selection System
Admin Login Home Form – Campus Selection System

:: View Student Page ::

Admin View Student Detail Form - Campus Selection System
Admin View Student Detail Form – Campus Selection System

:: View Company Page ::

Admin View Company Detail Form - Campus Selection System
Admin View Company Detail Form – Campus Selection System

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We hope that this project tutorial helped you to understand Campus Selection System Project.

21 thoughts on “Online Campus Selection System ASP.Net Project

  1. Hi,
    i’m getting error on this line
    SDS.Student_SelectDataTable SDT = new SDS.Student_SelectDataTable();
    plzzz help me

  2. What about connectivity?? How can i connect Database in my Project??
    And Main think in coding there is no connection string and even not you used the namespace of mysql database then how it be work….???
    {Where we mention the Connection Sting}

  3. An exception of type ‘System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException’ occurred in System.Data.dll but was not handled in user code

    Additional information: Could not find stored procedure ‘dbo.Student_INSERT’.

    I created the database Tables in mysql server

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