Student Attendance Management Project in .Net

Student Attendance Management System – ASP.Net C#

The project definition name describe many ways, Student attendance management system, Attendance portal, Online attendance System, School attendance system, College attendance system etc.

The main aim of Student attendance system project is to maintain attendance records of student for any organization school or college. In this project post we will discuss attendance system project for school students. We developed this attendance system as website application using C# language in Visual Studio ASP.Net and use sql server for database server.

Student Attendance Management System
Student Attendance Management System

Student  Attendance Management System

Project Title :  Student Attendance Management System
Abstract : Student attendance management system project used to maintain and track student attendance records for any organization.
Project Type : Website
Technology : ASP.Net Visual Studio 2010 with C# Language
Database : SQL-Server 2008

The student attendance management system project used to maintain school students attendance records. The attendance project has three user module for run the system Admin, Staff and Student. Initially the system will be blank, The Administrator has a rights to create standard and classroom for school and same time he has to add staff detail. Administrator generates unique username and password for all staff while adding staff detail. All staff maintain attendance of student, generate reports month wise, date wise…

Online Attendance System Project Video Tutorial

This attendance project video tutorial shows all the features and functionalities of project. The video tutorial will help to developer for create this attendance management system.

Student Attendance System Modules :

The attendance system project has main three modules.

  • Admin Module
  • Staff Module
  • Student Module

Admin : The Admin is a person who run and manage the system, in this project the owner or director of the school has rights of admin. The Admin creates the structure of a system to creating standard and classroom.

Admin Functionalities:

  • Add Standerd
  • Add Division / Classroom
  • Add Staff
  • Manage Complain
  • Leave Reports
  • Manage Reports

Staff : The main aim of the attendance system fulfill by staff. Staff can add student detail and fill the attendance daily for his division. The staff can only fill attendance for his division students and he can manage leaves and complains made by only his division student.

Staff Functionalities :

  • Add Student
  • Fill Attendance
  • Manage Leave
  • Manage Complain
  • Manage Reports
  • Change Password

Student : All student have unique username and password to access the system. After login into system student can view his attendance reports and manage his account. If any student has any problem regarding education he can directly make complain to his class teacher using this system. Student can apply for leave through the system and he can get reply from his class teacher about his leave status.

Student Functionality :

  • Manage Account
  • Make Complain
  • Apply for Leave
  • Attendance Reports
  • Change Password


Download Student Attendance Management System ASP.Net

Download project with source code
Download Student Attendance Management System in ASP.Net Download Project
Download SQL-Server Database Download Database
Download Project Screen Shot Download SS
Student Attendance Management System Data Flow Diagram Download DFD
Student Attendance Management System Use Case Diagram Download Use Case
Student Attendance Management System Activity Diagram Download Activity
Student Attendance Management System E-R Diagram Download ER-Diagram
Student Attendance Management System Flow Chart Diagram Download FlowChart
Project Reports of Student Attendance System Download Reports

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We hope that this project tutorial helped you to understand Student Attendance Management System Project.

106 thoughts on “Student Attendance Management Project in .Net

  1. Sir where to find the table code. that you have used to create the tables before importing the stored procedure

    1. if you have done properly, then it will work.
      we have already provide all stored procedure in download file and you have to create tables manually from above video tutorial.

  2. Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Procedure Attendancemst_INSERT, Line 13 [Batch Start Line 1057]
    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

  3. AddStd is giving (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: ‘Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.’) on the line
    StdAdapter.Insert(txtstdname.Text); while adding new std

  4. After creating a STDMST_INSERT Im getting this error
    Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘SID’, table ‘attendance.dbo.StdMst’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
    The statement has been terminated.

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