C# Namespaces – Console Application
The namespaces helps to organize a programs. A namespace is designed for providing way to keep set of classes in a one organization. Namespace avoiding a clash of class by declaring same class name declared in another namespace.
Declaring Namespace :
A namespace definition starts with keyword namespace followed by the namespace name as like below:
namespace namespace_example
//programming code declaration
How namespace will helps:
For example in c# console application program, if we created same class name which is already available in .net framework class library, so there is a same class name clash problem occurs, but the namespace helps to avoid this kind of same declaration class name problem.
namespace MyFirstConsoleApp
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
In above example we defined namespace MyFirstConsoleApp with one class Program and a static function Main.
Here, we understand the same class name problem with an example.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace first_example
class first
public void firstfunction()
Console.WriteLine("The first namespacce example");
namespace Second_example
class first
public void firstfunction()
Console.WriteLine("The second namespacce example");
namespace MyExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
first_example.first fst = new first_example.first();
Second_example.first sec = new Second_example.first();
The output of above namespace example is:
Nested Namespaces :
If we define one namespace inside the other namespace known as nested namespace.
Let’s take an example of nested namespace to understand more..
C# Nested Namespace Example
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace first_example
class first
public void firstfunction()
Console.WriteLine("The first namespacce example");
namespace Second_example
class first
public void firstfunction()
Console.WriteLine("The second namespacce example");
namespace MyExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
first_example.first fst = new first_example.first();
first_example.Second_example.first sec = new first_example.Second_example.first();
The output of above nested namespace example is:
Related ASP.Net Topics :
Console Application in C#
Console Application Example
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We hope that this asp.net post helped you to understand about Namespaces in Console Application.
Next, asp.net tutorial we will understand about Constructor in C#.