In this c# post we will learn relational operators with example.
Relational Operators in C#.Net
Relational operator also known as comparison operators.
The comparison operators used to compare two operands and returns true or false based on comparison.
C# Supports following Comparison operators
Assume int variable X=10 and variable Y=5 then
1 | == | Equal equal to | if(X == Y) then false |
2 | != | Not equal to | if(X != Y) then true |
3 | < | Less than | if(X < Y) then false |
4 | > | Greater than | if(X > Y) then true |
5 | <= | Less than or equal to | if(X <= Y) then false |
6 | >= | Greater than or equal to | if(X >= Y) then true |
Equal == comparison operator
int a = 5;
int b = 5;if(a == b)
“a is equal to b”;
“a is not equal to b”
The output is :
a is equal to b
In above c# example a and b both are same, then if condition return true and print “a is equal to b” in output.
Not Equal != comparison operator
int a = 5;
int b = 5;if(a != b)
“a is equal to b”;
“a is not equal to b”
The output is :
a is not equal to b
In above c# example a and b both are same, then if condition return false and print else portion “a is not equal to b” in output because we use not equal operator.
< Less than and <= Less than or Equal to operators
int a = 15;
int b = 5;if(a < b)
“a is smaller than b”;
else if(a <= b)
“a is equal to b”;
“a is bigger than b”;
The output is :
a is bigger than b
Here, a=15 and b=5, so a is not smaller and not equal to b. The both if condition not satisfy then the result will be last else portion “a is bigger than b”.
> Greater than and >= Greater than or Equal to operators
int a = 15;
int b = 5;if(a > b)
“a is bigger than b”;
else if(a >= b)
“a is equal to b”;
“a is smaller than b”;
The output is :
a is bigger than b
In above c# example the result is “a is bigger than b” because a=15 value bigger than b=5 value.
The first if condition returns true if only a is greater than b. If suppose a=5 and b=5, then the second if condition will be true and result is “a is equal to b”.
Related ASP.Net Topics :
Arithmetic Operators in C#.Net
Logical Operators in C#.Net
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We hope that this tutorial helped you to understand about Relational Operators in C#.
Next tutorial we will learn about Assignment Operators.